Use a PCextreme e-mail address

Gewijzigd op Do, 2 Mei, 2024 om 12:56 PM

When you’ve created an e-mail address you may also use it in a mail client of your choosing.

The e-mail settings below are applicable to each and any mail software. We advise you to configure your mail using the ports in that are shown in bold font.

  • IMAP Incoming mail server: Incoming mail port: 143 (TLS) or 993 (SSL) Encryption: On Authentication: Using e-mail address and password

    Outgoing mail server: smtp.mail.pcextreme.nlOutgoing mail port: 587 (TLS) or 465 (SSL) or 25 (TLS)Encryption: OnAuthentication: Using e-mail address and password

You can also use these guides to help you set up your e-mail account using specific devices:


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