Set up a PCX mail account on iOS

Gewijzigd op Vr, 12 Jul, 2024 om 5:18 PM

NOTE: Screenshots in Dutch

To set up your e-mail account using an iPhone/iPad you may use the following step-by-step guide.


  • A PCextreme mail account
  • An iPhone/iPad

Add an account

Firstly, we’ll add an e-mail account to your device. To do this, navigate towards ” Settings (Instellingen)” (image 1).


Next, select the option “Passwords & Accounts (Wachtwoorden & accounts” (image 2).


Choose “New Account (Nieuwe account)” option (image 3).


You should be presented with the following screen (image 4).


Choose “Other (Andere”, and you should see the following screen (image 5).


Fill in the required fields using your name, e-mail address and password (image 6). 6-169x300

Na de bovenstaande stappen klik je op volgende je komt dan op het volgende scherm uit (foto 7 & 8). When you’ve completed the above, you should see the following screen (image 7 & 8).


Use the following settings:

Incoming mail server Host name: User name: [email protected] Password: Yourpassword

Outgoing mail server Host name: User name: [email protected] Password: Yourpassword

You may now tap “Next” to continue. Your device will check your settings, and the following screen will appear:


Don’t forget to tap “Save” in the upper right corner! Voila! Your PCextreme mail account is now ready for use on your iPhone/iPad!

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