The Remote Hands service (On-site support service) is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Remote Hands can be requested by contacting the Network Operations Center (NOC).
Levels of Remote Hands services
The following levels of Remote Hands services are available within the PCextreme Facilities:
• Level 1: Basic Remote Hands
• Level 2: Smart Remote Hands
The difference between the Remote Hands levels will be made clear by the following comparison scheme:
Maximum Time before Arrival

Costs for Remote Hands
The following costs are involved when requesting the Remote Hands service:
Mentioned prices are in Euro and without valid VAT tariff.
- For on-site locations a minimum of 30 minutes is charged per Remote Hands request, after the first 30 minutes remote hands will be charged in blocks of 15 minutes.
- For off-site locations a minimum of 1 hour is charged per Remote Hands request, after the first hour remote hands will be charged per 15 minutes.
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