Link a domain name to my server at PCX

Gewijzigd op Do, 2 Mei, 2024 om 12:48 PM

In order for a domain to point to your own VPS, you will need to adjust the domain’s DNS settings. If you manage the domain with us, you can find out how to modify the DNS information in the following article:

To find your server’s IP addresses, view them in the control panel [link]. Go to Servers (new), and select My Servers.


It is possible that there are two options named Servers in your control panel.


In that case, you have existing VMs on the older environment. To view them, click on Servers, then Virtual Machines.


On the next page, choose the Server to which you want to point the domain. When using Servers (New), you will find the IP-information in the panel named Connectivity, or otherwise in Network Details. In both cases you can also adjust the Reverse DNS for the IP on this page.

network details


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