Adding a domain to a PCextreme hosting plan

Gewijzigd op Do, 2 Mei, 2024 om 12:46 PM

Our Plus and Premium hosting plans allow you to connect multiple domains. You can store all of your data in one place. In this manual we show you how to do this. 


Adding webspace

  1. Log into your control panel;
  2. Navigate to Products & Services at the top of your screen;
  3. Click on Webhosting on the left;
  4. Select the desired hosting plan;
  5. Select your plan under Webspaces displayed in blue font.
  6. This will lead you to the Details page of your webspace;
  7. Scroll all the way down to the Domains tab;
  8. Click the Add Domain button;
  9. Fill in your domainname in the pop-up and click Add Domain again.

Adding a new domain

You can also add a domain that is not registered or that is being transferred. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the Domains, DNS & CLB button in the left menu;
  2. Press the Domains button;
  3. A dropdown menu appears. Choose Domain names;
  4. Click on Register/transfer domain name on the right;
  5. Fill in your desired domain name in the Domain check field;
  6. Click on the button next to the domain you want to order.


  • When you see the text Register for next to the domain, it's available.
  • When the text Transfer for appears the domain is already registered.


  1. When you select your domain scroll down to display the tab Set contacts for the WHOIS;
  2. Enter the owner information for the domain;
  3. If you did this before the default owner information should appear;
  4. Otherwise there are two options available:
  • Use an existing WHOIS contact. Click the current owner name. A list of existing owner details appears. 
  • Create a new WHOIS contact. Click the “+” icon next to the owner information.

Nameservers and DNS

To connect your domain it’s important to use our nameservers. This allows us to correctly set the DNS records for you. Select No DNS Template and select the correct hosting plan from the menu;

Completing your order

  • When you finish the steps above, click on Register or Transfer these {x} domains at the bottom of the screen.
  • The domain will now be registered or transferred. It might take a couple of minutes for your domain to appear on the overview page.
  • It may take up to 24 hours for your domain to become active, depending on the extension. Transfer time may differ, depending on the extension.

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