Add a subdomain to a hosting package at PCextreme

Gewijzigd op Di, 10 Sep om 10:20 AM

If you have a domain registered with us, you can also create subdomains. A subdomain is an extension of your domain name. For instance a subdomain of would be

Your Webhosting package allows you to add as many subdomains as you want via FTP. After you’ve created a new subdomain, you can request an SSL certificate for the subdomain through our control panel.

Table of contents

How to add a subdomain

Follow these steps to add a subdomain to one of your existing domain names.

  1. Connect to your webspace using Filezilla. If you don’t know how to do this, please follow this guide;
  2. Navigate to your htdocs folder; 
  3. Click the right mouse button and select Create directory
  4. You can give this folder any name you want; 
  5. Creating this folder will allow you to visit it through your browser.

Request SSL certificate

To make sure your subdomain is available through a secure connection you’ll need to request a SLL certificate. This can be done by adding your subdomain to the router of your webhosting package. We can only provide a SSL certificate when both hosting and domain registration are handled by PCextreme.

  1. Click the Products & Services button at the top of your screen;
  2. Navigate towards DOMAINS, DNS & CLB in the left-hand menu; 
  3. Select Caching Load Balancer;
  4. Click the Routers option in the menu that pops up;
  5. Now select the router affiliated with your Webhosting package; 
  6. In the following overview page, click Add domain;  
  7. Fill in the full name of your subdomain and click Add domain;
  8.  The domain has now been added to the router. Your SSL certificate should be active in 1-2 hours.

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