Change the password of a mail address at PCX

Gewijzigd op Do, 2 Mei, 2024 om 12:49 PM

You can change the password for your e-mail address by logging in to our control panel. If you don’t have access to your account, or if you’ve lost your login credentials, please take a look at this guide.

When you’ve logged in to the control panel, click the Products & Services button at the top of your screen. On the subsequent page, navigate towards the Hosting Solutions tab in the left-side menu, select Email, and then select Domains.

Next, click the domain which contains your specific e-mail address.


You should now see a page which allows you to change several mail settings. Click the pen icon next to the e-mail address for whcih you want to change the password.


You can create a new password in screen that pops up.


Save your password by pressing the “Update User” button.

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