Transferring a .uk-domain to Versio via Nominet

Gewijzigd op Ma, 5 Aug om 2:27 PM

Transferring a .uk-domain name works differently than other domainname extensions. In these instructions we explain what you'll need to do.

Step 1

Request the transfer via our website. When the domain name appears in your customer panel under Your domain names -> Inbound transfers you can proceed to Step 2.

Step 2

Go to the Nominet website. Log in to your account. You can transfer the domain name via the Online Services. To do this you edit the TAG associated with the domain. The TAG you need for Versio is: AXC-NL

Step 3

Wait a few minutes and our system will detect that you have requested the transfer. The domain name will appear in your customer panel. You can now manage the domain name via your customer panel the way you're used to.

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