Taking over a domain name at Versio

Gewijzigd op Do, 11 Jul, 2024 om 2:52 PM

You can register a domain name on our website. If it is still available you can register the domain name immediately. It's possible however that someone else already registered it. In that case it might be that you want to buy it from them. In this article we talk more about how you do this.

Table of contents

Search the domain name

If a domain name is taken you can check whether it is being used. Is there a website running on this domain? Or is it currently just parked? This way you can estimate whether the owner might want to part with it.

Contact details

To contact the current owner you need their contact information. You can look up any domain name in the whois. Often this does not contain personal information, but that of the registrar of the domain. You can then contact them.

Message the registrar

Send a message to the party where the domain name is hosted. Due to privacy legislation, they will not give you their customer's contact details; but they can forward a message from you. The owner of the domain name can then respond to this.

Contacting the owner

You can negotiate with the current owner about taking over the domain name. The hosting company or registrar is not a party to this. They are obliged to convey your message to their customer; but it is not their responsibility whether the owner responds to this or is interested in your proposal.


The current owner determines what they charge for the domain name. How much that is can vary greatly. A domain name with a lot of commercial value will of course be worth more than the average. On this website you can view the history of domain name prices.

Domain transfer

Once you have reached an agreement with a seller, you can transfer the domain name to your account. All you need for this is the transfercode or token. The owner will provide you with this. Once you have the token you can place an order and enter the code to finalize the takeover. The domain name will then be registered in your name.

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