Improve your Versio website: Speed, conversion and search results

Gewijzigd op Do, 31 Aug, 2023 om 11:20 AM

The speed of your website is very important. A fast loading time determines the user-friendliness of your website, and results in a higher ranking in search engines. The speed of your website doesn't only affects the find-ability on the internet, but also the conversion rate. Websites are increasingly consulted via a tablet or smartphone. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the mobile website speed. Reliable, and fast VPS hosting can ensure a faster (mobile) website.


When do I have a fast website?

The loading time of your website is very important. There is nothing more annoying for visitors than a website which loads slowly. You take the risk that visitors will drop out prematurely, and visit a competing website. Therefore, improving the loading time of your (mobile) website has the highest priority. According to many user experts, the loading time of a web page should be under 2 seconds. Google Pagespeed Insights even recommends a load time of 200 milliseconds. Ten years ago, a loading time of 10 seconds was still accepted. Now that is assessed as: the website does not load. Most visitors will leave a web page if it takes more than 2 seconds to load. Test your website using the Speed Scorecard to see how it performs in terms of speed. Use the Impact Calculator to gain insight into what revenue potential is being missed with a slow website.

Mobile website speed increasingly important

Sitespeed has been an important ranking factor in Google since 2010. With the rollout of Google Speed Update in July 2018, the loading time of your mobile website will also determine the position of the mobile web pages in Google's search results. The increasing number of mobile internet users want answers to all questions as quick as possible. Improving the loading time of your website is possible by:

  • Optimize images: number and size
  • Enable caching: so that repeated tasks are handled faster
  • Enable Gzip compression: which makes the compressed files to be sent faster

You can test your website with tools such as LightHouse, Google Pagespeed Insights, and Opt for reliable, and fast VPS hosting with Versio for a guaranteed fast website.

Fast and cheap VPS hosting

Versio provides customised services with fast and inexpensive VPS hosting that provides you with a fast and advanced VPS server. You decide how you set up the server, and which options and extensions you want to install. You are online within one minute with your own VPS server, which you do not have to share with anyone. You enjoy maximum freedom of choice. You can install your own software and scrips on the server or have DirectAdmin and Installatron installed by us. Choose your favourite operating system and determine the location of your VPS server yourself. Versio's data centers excel in excellent accessibility and speed.

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