Cancel my subscription at Versio

Gewijzigd op Vr, 19 Jul, 2024 om 3:36 PM

If you have a subscription with Versio you can cancel this at anytime. We tell you more about it in this article.


Turn off automatic renewal

If you want to end a subscription you can turn off automatic renewal. That way the subscription will be terminated at the end of its current run time.

  1. Log into your customer panel;
  2. Click on the category of your product;
  3. Go to Overview in the Renewal column;
  4. Check if the current setting is Manual or Automatic;
  5. Pick Manual to have the subscription end.

Cancel immediately

You can also cancel your product effective immediately. 

  1. Log in to the customer panel;
  2. Go to the overview of your subscription;
  3. Click on the magnifying glass;
  4. Cancel the product.

Note: if you cancel a domain name, it will immediately go into quarantine. You can no longer transfer the domain. When you cancel your hosting package, it is no longer possible to retrieve data here. This also applies to backups. We do not offer credit for domain names.

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