Setting up DNSSEC for Versio domains

Gewijzigd op Do, 28 Mrt, 2024 om 11:55 AM

If you own a domainname connected to a hosting plan at Versio it's automatically secured with DNSSEC. However if you use external name servers you can also enable DNSSEC. In this guide we'll explain how to do this.


Add DNS keys

  1. Log in to the Versio customer panel;
  2. Go to Domain names and then click Overview;
  3. Click on the arrow icon behind the domain;
  4. Go to Manage DNSSEC keys to add the keys for the domain.

Obtain DNS keys

  1. Log in to DirectAdmin.
  2. Click on your domain name.
  3. Go to DNS Management at the bottom of the page;
  4. Select the option Generate Keys at the DNSSEC - DNS Security tab;
  5. You will see the message Zone keys generated
  6. Click Back to return to the DNS management page;
  7. The DNSSEC Records are now visible.

Signing the DNS zone

  1. Go to the Actions menu on the right in DirectAdmin;
  2. The DNSSEC zone needs to be signed first;
  3. You can do this with the option Sign your zone.

  • Next to the key-signing Key you see the KEY ID;
  • Enter this number in the customer panel under the KEY tag;
  • Use Algorithm RSA-SHA256 (8) and set the flag to KSK (257);
  • At Public key you enter the value after DNSKEY 257 3 8

Note: when you enter these codes via cut/paste remove the spaces from the DNS KEY before you save them.

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