Creating a redirect for your domain at Versio

Gewijzigd op Vr, 29 Mrt, 2024 om 1:58 PM

At Versio, there are two ways to create a redirect. You can do this via your customer panel or, when you have a hosting package, via DirectAdmin.


  1. Via the customer panel
  2. Via DirectAdmin

1. Via the customer panel

Login to the customer panel and go to your domains > overview > select your domain name > manage Nameservers / DNS > enable DNS management > configure redirect.

DNS records

You will now create two redirects, one without 'www' preceding your domain name and one with 'www' preceding your domain name.

Redirect records

Now click on save. It takes 4 to 24 hours before the redirects work correctly.

Please note: to use the redirect you need to use the standard type A DNS record with IP otherwise the redirection will not work.

2. Via DirectAdmin

You can also configure a redirect via DirectAdmin under site redirection in DirectAdmin. Login to DirectAdmin and select your domain name. Under advanced features you'll find site redirection.

Site redirection

At local URL path provide the path you wish to redirect. If you wish to refer the entire domain name somewhere, only enter /. At redirect type you can choose whether it concerns a temporary or permanent redirect. At destination URL enter the domain name to which you wish to refer your own domain name.

Directadmin redirect

At the bottom of this page, you will find the redirects that have already been created.

Directadmin redirect

If you configure a redirect via DirectAdmin, the nameservers of the hosting package must be configured for this domain name.

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